Climate Action

1 hour ago

Agency Report Cards 2023: We grade 31 APAC networks

Campaign Asia-Pacific presents its 21st annual evaluation of APAC agency networks based on their 2023 business performance, innovation, creative output, awards, action on DEI and sustainability, and leadership.

Apr 22, 2024

World Earth Day 2024: 1,000 agencies say no to fossil fuels

Asia Pacific joins the Clean Creatives movement with 67 regional pledges. To mark this occasion, the anti-fossil fuel campaign group has released a new film, lampooning the advertising industry.

Apr 22, 2024

We all have a collective responsibility to make progress on sustainability

To mark Earth Day 2024, Matt Bourn and Sebastian Munden, authors of a book on the importance of sustainable advertising, warn that this is no time to stand still.

Apr 17, 2024

How UOB reduced its ad emissions without compromising on attention time

UOB believes there is an opportunity for marketers to minimise their campaign’s impact on CO2 while improving overall effectiveness. Campaign finds out how.

Apr 17, 2024

Saving water doesn’t have to mean extreme measures, says PUB

In collaboration with VML, this new campaign by Singapore’s national water agency is a reminder that even the simplest efforts can help to conserve water.

Apr 12, 2024

The individual vs the collective effort in environmental progress

Brands have the power to revitalise the value of sustainability, its collective progress, and individual benefits—and now is the time for them to do it. Natasia Wangsaputra opines.

Apr 3, 2024

Fujitsu’s new campaign is a deliciously stark reminder of our carbon footprint

In this new campaign for environmental awareness—in collaboration with RGA— you can have your pollution cake and eat it too.

Mar 19, 2024

Comms Declare blasts Shell’s ‘Olympic-level gaslighting’ as it calls for creative review

Environmental advocacy groups will closely watch Shell Energy's creative pitch in Australia to see how the company navigates the evolving landscape of environmental accountability and public perception.

Feb 8, 2024

Virgin Atlantic marketing chief on accepting the challenge of sustainability credibility

Annabelle Cordelli speaks to Campaign on tackling green aviation naysayers and how agencies need to prove effectiveness.

Feb 7, 2024

How green is India's adland valley?

In light of the COP28 agreement to transition from fossil fuels and India's ad watchdog's directives to curb greenwashing, where do Indian agencies stand on the matter, especially in working with clients?

Feb 2, 2024

Not perfect, just Bettr: How a Singaporean coffee brand is humanising sustainability

As the first B-Corp-certified company in Singapore, Bettr Coffee has partnered with design practice Anak to not just redesign its packaging, but realign consumer perspectives on embracing sustainability with perfect imperfection.

Jan 23, 2024

B Lab initiates formal investigation into Havas' B Corp status amid Shell controversy

Exclusive: 26 B Corp certified agencies demand B Lab to reconsider Havas' B Corp status over the Shell partnership.

Jan 22, 2024

'It's only greenwashing if you get caught'

New agency Atmospheric is throwing its hat into the ring for the highly-coveted Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest fossil fuel account. If they win, their no-nonsense CEO has an advertising plan as transparent as a slick oil spill.

Jan 15, 2024

Sustainability glam: L’Oréal SAPMENA's Vismay Sharma on AI skincare and leading the green beauty revolution

SAPMENA is an unconventional geographical zone; president Vismay Sharma talks about how the region sets a new bar in sustainable solutions and why data and tech are reshaping the industry landscape.

Jan 3, 2024

Should advertising of high-carbon products be banned?

SOUNDING BOARD: Controls on advertising harmful products like tobacco and junk food have existed for years. With the climate emergency worsening by the day, is it high time to implement tighter rules on advertising high-carbon products like SUVs and long-haul flights, or even ban them altogether?

Jan 2, 2024

In the wake of COP28, five burning questions for McCann's CEO

McCann is repitching for the Saudi oil and gas major Aramco; The Glimpse Collective's founder poses five burning questions for the agency's CEO.

Jan 2, 2024

Singapore adds urgency to adopting EVs with thriller campaign film

The film by TSLA for the Land Transport Authority follows a man on seemingly desperate mission to save his family on one electric vehicle charge.

Dec 5, 2023

'Dubai could not hold COP28 without ad and PR firms greenwashing'

With one of the world’s biggest oil producers hosting this year’s COP 28 summit, climate activists are accusing the UAE of using PR and advertising narratives to position itself as a climate leader, despite failing to meet its renewable energy targets.

Dec 4, 2023

Why the best screen savers may be repulsive ones

Agency TheOr creates hard to look at 'planet saving screen savers' coinciding with COP28 to encourage more people to shut off their computer screens when dormant.

Dec 4, 2023

Eighteen PR firms and ad agencies working on COP28 also working with fossil fuel polluters: Clean Creatives

Clean Creatives claims that the UAE could not have hosted COP28 if not for the fossil fuel greenwashing provided by advertising and PR agencies