Staff Writer
Jul 19, 2021

3 ways data democratisation improves the customer experience

How should marketers act on customer insights to grow the business, reduce brand risk, and improve the customer experience?

3 ways data democratisation improves the customer experience

Data democratisation is a real challenge for a lot of brands. According to a Forrester report, 77% of CX leaders said they lack a technology framework to coordinate CX activities across their organisations. As such, it’s becoming more critical than ever for brands to create a unified customer experience to differentiate themselves from the competition to truly engage  customers.  How do you share all the unstructured data with your teams, other departments, your leadership, and even your customers, to improve the customer experience, grow your business, and protect your brand’s reputation?

The truth is, if you’re using manual processes, siloed data, and a disconnected mix of point solutions, it’s just not possible to do this effectively. There is just too much data in too many places, resulting in an even bigger problem: analysis paralysis. You have so much data that it’s difficult to know where to start or to coordinate actions across teams.That can result in a painful experience for your customers. Imagine a customer complains online about your product, and it goes viral. While the social engagement and customer service teams scramble into action, the marketing team is targeting that customer with ads and emails about the very same product, making the brand appear tone deaf and disconnected.

Now, imagine that kind of disconnect across multiple teams and geographies, and products. Despite the brand’s best intentions to listen to customer feedback, countless data points are left sitting in silos or fragmented ad hoc reports, creating a disjointed and inconsistent view of the customer across the entire business.

Turning insights into action

Coordinating your strategy using a unified customer experience platform is the key to successfully democratising your omni-channel listening data and AI-driven insights across your organisation. This ranges from reporting and presentations to real-time dashboarding, displays, and in-the-moment AI-powered smart alerts. Brands will also benchmark insights against past performance internally or competitive actions externally. 

Taming point solution chaos

Sprinklr is the only unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform that creates a way for big businesses to reach, engage, and listen to customers. Working with more than 1,000 of the world’s most valuable enterprises, Sprinklr helps companies deliver human experiences every time, across any modern channel, at a once-impossible scale on one unified, AI-powered platform. 

Here are just a few examples of ways that Sprinklr can empower your teams to act on customer insights, whether it’s to grow your business, reduce brand risk, or improve the customer experience.

Benchmarking: Industry leaders like McDonald’s use benchmarking to track and measure the performance of competitors and other leading brands. Giving context to your competitive intelligence helps you share insights quickly across departments, and up and down your teams, from practitioners to executives. These contextual insights let you manage your brand’s performance across verticals and geographies to spot competitive opportunities to engage with customers when and where other brands are falling short. Did a customer have a bad experience with another brand? Show them how your product is different.

Smart alerts: When negative sentiment about your brand goes viral, it can damage your reputation, put your teams in instant fire-fighting mode, and give competitors an unwelcome advantage. Worst of all, it means you have disappointed customers. Leveraging AI to recognise patterns in message volume and sentiment and flag abnormalities can give you a crucial early warning system for a brewing crisis. But it’s not all about bad news. These alerts can also allow you to understand what brand messages resonate with your audience, enabling you to know when to turn the dial up or down on your content.

Displays and dashboards: Unlike static, manual reports, custom dashboards and displays can help your teams — and even your customers — visualise data in real-time so that they can easily spot trends and anomalies. With dashboards, you can use broad or specific queries to capture the data that can help teams drill down into certain topics, verticals, or geographies. You can also quickly share information across teams so that everyone is benefiting from and acting on the same insights. Display technology brings your data to life in a compelling way, showcasing how you’re engaging digital in the areas that are most meaningful for your brand. 

The customer experience, reimagined 

As you think about your own customer experience strategy, here are some final takeaways to keep in mind if you want your brand to stand out among the competition: 

  • Your customers want an experience that is personal, real-time, and on their preferred channels

  • You must have an omni-channel listening strategy for vast amounts of unstructured digital data

  • AI and automation are essential to turn data into actionable insights

  • Data must be democratised to mitigate risk, spot trends, and provide pro-active customer engagement

To learn more about how companies are breaking down internal data silos to provide better customer experiences, join this upcoming webinar with guest speakers from Forrester Research and Maruti Suzuki. Registration is free.

Campaign Asia

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